Denne workshop er på engelsk med Marco Espvall, redaktør for ugeavisen Internationalen, men der vil være oversættelse til dansk efter behov. Jonathan Simmel vil som mødeleder og Marcos samtalepartner sætte de svenske erfaringer i perspektiv i forhold til erfaringer og dilemmaer fra Danmark. Jonathan er medlem af Enhedslistens Hovedbestyrelse og af SAP.

af Socialistisk Information

Læsetid: 3 minutter

Fredag d. 16. juli kl. 9:30 – 11:30

Workshop med Marco Espvall, redaktør for “Internationalen”, medlem af Venstrepartiet og Socialistisk Politik.


Se Program for hele seminaret 15-19. juli.


Læs omtale af andre workshops


Denne workshop er på engelsk med Marco Espvall, redaktør for ugeavisen Internationalen, men der vil være oversættelse til dansk efter behov. Jonathan Simmel vil som mødeleder og Marcos samtalepartner sætte de svenske erfaringer i perspektiv i forhold til erfaringer og dilemmaer fra Danmark. Jonathan er medlem af Enhedslistens Hovedbestyrelse og af SAP.


Turn the tables: How the Swedish Left Party try to navigate in a changing political landscape


This workshop will start with an introduction by Marco Jamil Espvall, Editor in chief for the Swedish weekly Internationalen. Internationalen is published by “SP”, the Swedish section of Fourth International. SP dissolved itself as a political party 2019 to build an anti-capitalist current within the Left Party. In this process SP changed name from Socialistiska Partiet to Socialistisk Politik.


The current political situation in Sweden started Tuesday June 12 when the Swedish Left Party leader Nooshi Dadgostar gave sitting PM Löfven 48 hours to retract the proposal to introduce market rents, renegotiate with national tenant organisation Hyresrättsföreningen or face possible vote of no confidence and a possible snap election. You probably already know the outcome.


Of cause there was a very real risk that a snap election would result in a right-wing government including the anti-immigration party with neo-Nazi roots; Sweden Democrats. But beside the actual political issue of market rents, there were also an element of political strategy involved in Left Party’s actions. The Idea was to try to turn the tables and change the public debate and make the elections about redistributive politics and traditional socialist narratives, rather than the usual debate about immigration and more polices and jails.


This manoeuvre should be put in the context of a changing political landscape were the Social democratic party more or less tries to change it´s class base, while the leadership of the left party aims to take the political space of the classic Social democracy, but without the class struggle and the building of popular movements from below, that were the actual path Social democracy took to form itself in the childhood of the labour movement.


After the introduction, the participants are welcome to create the actual workshop together with Marco. The idea is to compare the situation in Danish and Swedish politics and exchange experience and see if we could learn something from each other.”


Marco Jamil Espvall, Editor in chief for the Swedish weekly Internationalen, member of Vänsterpartiet and Socialistisk Politik.

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