Vores sympati og solidaritet går til ofrene, deres familier og venner efter det forfærdende angreb på en LGBT-natklub i Orlando.

af LGBT + Against Islamophobia

Læsetid: 5 minutter

(Denne udtalelse fra den britiske gruppe ”LGBT + Against Islamophobia” blev udsendt kort efter angrebet i Orlando. Den findes på deres Facebookside, hvor man også kan tilslutte sig udtalelsen

Vi ved endnu ingenting om angriberen. FBI har været hurtigt ude, og kalde begivenheden ”terror” og mens de påstår at de forfølger ”adskillige spor”, er ISIS den eneste organisation, der er kommet navn på som en mulig forbindelse.

Vi i ”LGBT + Against Islamophobia” vil modsætte os ethvert forsøg på at bruge denne grusomhed til at oppiske et had mod muslimer.

For mange af os bringer massakren erindringer om bombesprængningen af puben Admiral Duncan i Soho i 1999, som blev udført af en britisk neonazist. Vi bliver mindet om de forfærdelige skyderier, som blev udført af den selverklærede fascist Anders Breivik i Norge i 2011, og adskillige massemord med skydevåben af hvide kristne amerikanere.

Det må nu være tidspunktet, hvor vi alle går sammen og forkaster homofobi og islamofobi, uanset hvor det kommer fra.

Morderisk homofobi, uanset om det kommer fra en religion eller ej, repræsenterer ikke hele samfund. Hvis vi tillader os at blive splittede nu, bliver vi svækkede i vores kamp for at udrydde undertrykkelse – en kamp som det nu mere end nogensinde er nødvendigt at fortsætte.

Støttet af:

Nicola Field, Jonathan Blake, Nigel Young and Gethin Roberts, initiativtagere til Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners
Sue Caldwell and Dani Singer, LGBT+ Against Islamophobia
Pauline Park, New York Association for Gender Rights Advocacy (NYAGRA)
Dimitra Kyrillou, LGBTQ Antarsya
April Holcombe and Clare Francis LGBTI officers for the National Union of Students of Australia
Jennifer Yoder, Communications and Engagement Director, Christian Peacemaker Teams.
Richard Boyd Barrett TD, Brid Smith TD, Gino Kenny TD, Members of Parliament for People Before Profit Alliance Ireland
Memet Uludag, Convener United Against Racism Ireland
David Karvala, taslperson for Unitat contra el feixisme i el racisme, Catalonia
Joe Carolan, Unite Union New Zealand

Salma Yaqoob, peace campaigner
Hassan Mahamdallie: Director, Muslim Institute
Annette Pryce LGBT+ Executive Member National Union of Teachers
Mike Dance, National Union of Teachers
Laura Miles, LGBT rep UCU National Executive and former Chair of UCU Equality Committee.
Aimee Challenor, LGBTIQ Green Party
John Burgess Branch Secretary Barnet Unison
Kevin Ovenden, forfatter og aktivist

Kevin O´Neill, Bears Against Bigotry
Denis Fernando, Rainbow Coalition Against Racism
Edwin Sesange, Out and Proud Diamond Group
Cat Rose, Community Action Against Homophobia.
Edwin Sesange, Out and Proud Diamond Group
Kauser Jan, Chair of West Yorkshire Muslim community safety forum
Julia Bard, on behalf of the Jewish Socialists Group
Geoff Dexter, Birmingham Stand Up to Racism
Nahella Ashraf, Manchester Stand Up to Racism
Islamic Society of Edinburgh University
Colin Wilson, Convenor No to Pinkwashing

John Molyneux, redaktør af Irish Marxist Review.
Keran James, studio1.1 London
Jubilate Klatsch, Feminists of Dublin meetup
Barry and Anu, Radio Inquilaab
Fawn Goodwin, Birmingham Socialist Workers Party
Rhiannon Lockley, West Midlands Chair University and College Lecturers Union
Kate Mayer, GMB Union
Sara Bennett, Unite the Union (GPM/IT) member
Paul Packham Unite Branch Sec EM/DE51
Helen Blair and Charlie Mckinnon, EIS members

Bernie Maguire, UNISON and Musicians Union
Sue Talbot, UNISON & SWAN (Social Work Action Network).
Rebecca Bryson, UNISON Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
Andrea Morrall, UNISON Sheffield Community Health
Rory Shannon – UNISON University of Birmingham Branch
Jennie Antonio, UNISON, Birmingham Branch
Sharon Campion,UNISON Joint Branch Secretary Sandwell, West Midlands
Gerry McCabe, UNISON union and Aberdeen Trades Union Council
Laney Walsh UNISON Redditch and Bromsgrove
Sandy Nicoll, SOAS UNISON Branch

Jess Edwards NUT Executive Member for Inner London
Sally Kincaid Div Sec Wakefield and District National Union of Teachers
Danny Rees, Birmingham National Union of Teachers
Ken Muller, Joint Secretary, Islington National Union of Teachers
Paul Phillips, National Union of Teachers
Melissa Hind, National Union of Teachers

Antony Hamilton, Vice President of West Thames College Student Union
Rhys Purtill, President of University and East Anglia (UEA) Pride and Deputy Chair of UEASU LGBT+ Caucus
Juliet Donaghy disability welfare rep, UEA Pride
Charlotte Stebbing-Boulet, trans, non binary and intersex welfare rep of UEA Pride
Jack Robinson, UEA Pride, Deputy President and UEASU Non-Portfolio Officer
Kieran Burden, Treasurer and Postgraduate Welfare rep of UEA Pride
Julian Ignacio Canlas, UEA Pride, BME Welfare Rep. lgbtQ+ Rep of UEA Womanism, Deputy chair of Ethnic Minorities Caucus, and incoming disabled rep of Black Students Campaign, Union Councillor of Filipino Society, and The Norwich Radical Regular Contributor
Sojourner Mayer, school student
Alex Claxton-Mayer, National Union of Students
Eleanor Claxton-Mayer, National Union of Students
Bethan Turner, National Union of Students
Leon Thomas, National Union of Students

Hesham Shafiq
Pliny Soocoormanee
Clare Solomon
Steph Pike
Jane Connor
Zita Lomax
Eric Fretz
Terry Conway
Moya Satterwhite
Phil Jones
Peadar ò Riada
Liz Willows
Sean Fitzpatrick
Jan Marr
Margaret Woods
Christina McCabe
Hope Winter-Hall
Mark Fletcher
Simon Collins
Ian Shaw
David Owen Ferris

Støttegrupper og organisationer:
New York Association for Gender Rights Advocacy (NYAGRA)
Islamic Society of Edinburgh University
Jewish Socialists Group
United Against Racism Ireland

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